Demystifying Strategy
You hear the word strategy thrown around all of the time, but do you really know what it means for you as a leader, especially as someone who is leading a business.
I want to help you answer what is strategy? Where does strategy come from? Finally, what are the essentials of developing and then implementing a strategy?
If you can answer those three questions you will be well on your way to mastering strategy as it pertains to you specifically.
Strategy starts with your vision, then your goals (or milestones) are pulled from your vision, and your strategy is built to show how you plan to get there. The essentials of that are: first, you must know where it is you are playing, and how it is you are going to win there; second, how you will play to your strengths, and managing what matters; and third, think it through.
Your leadership inside of your business is vital, I cannot stress that enough. Building a strategy to see your goals achieved and your vision fulfilled won’t be easy, but I know that you are up to the challenge. Even if you need help from a coach, that is a growth opportunity for you, and you will still be up to surpassing any challenge.
My challenge to you after you listen to this episode, take a look at your business and your leadership by answering these questions. Do you have a robust vision written out? Have you pulled goals from that vision? Does your strategy give you the how to achieve your goals and fulfill your vision?