A Guide to Capturing Lessons Learned

Capturing Lessons Learned

We all know that it’s important to capture lessons learned, and apply what we discovered so we can improve and grow. I think we can all agree on that.

But are you are doing that? Are you taking the time to record the lessons you’ve learned? What kind of system are you using to make sure nothing is lost? Or do you simply wing it?

I want to give you some questions to consider and send you on a mission of discovery. What is the importance of looking back? Why would you want to do this?

How often should you be looking to lay hold of lessons learned, or the frequency of writing down these important lessons?

What data are you capturing when I set yourself to this significant task?

I am a firm believer that you need to try things out for a while and then decide what’s working and what isn’t. Some things you will see need changes sooner, and you should make those changes quickly. These are any situations that come up where you see the immediate negative impact and a course correction is required.

For everything else, it takes time to truly understand the significance of what course of action you have chosen. It may be the right course of action but is in need of adjustments. Or, it’s completely wrong and needs an overhaul or thrown out altogether. That’s why you make changes to what you’re doing after longer intervals. This gives you enough time to really understand and be able to make a clear evaluation of what you’ve decided to do.

If you found value from this, I would love to hear your biggest takeaway. Send me an email or a DM on social and let me know what you took away. And if you’re brave enough, let me know what action that is leading you to take.

~Stay Engaged

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