Hey, welcome to the Leader Development Solutions podcast. In this episode, I want to talk to you about the values that you lay out for your team or your organization.
Values look so great boldly displayed on the office walls, they inspire us to be better at what we do. Or do they?
That leads us to a couple of very important questions. First, what is behind the value, the definition? Second, what does that value look like when you put it into action?
I want to dig into these questions and demonstrate to you what is taking place after you produce that wonderful mission, vision, and values.
I really appreciate you taking the time to listen, and I am always looking forward to connecting with you. I sincerely want to hear from you. If you are getting value out of these episodes, send me an email, or if you have topics you would like to hear covered, let me know. I can be reached at [email protected]
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