Ep. #11 – Eliminating Distractions and Gaining Focus

Do you have the time for everything you want to do each day? What about the things that you need to do? Family, work, friends, social media, twenty-four-hour news channels, messaging, it is a wonder we are able to focus on anything. Our attention is in a constant state of interruption and noise that is hard to overcome. If you are anything like me, you receive hundreds of notifications on your phone every day, not to mention the notifications that pop up on your computer. Where does it end? How do we regain our ability to focus?

In this episode of Leader Development Solutions, I want to talk with you about focus and how that plays a part in achieving your vision, as well as taking the time to focus on your growth.

If you have questions about this topic, or you want to explore what leader development coaching can do for you, book a free discovery and strategy call.

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