Do your intentions turn into significant actions?

What is intentional action? What isn’t intentional action? Do you think in a way that provokes curiosity in you, and others? How does empowerment play into your intentionality? In this episode of Advantaged Business Solutions, we will answer these questions and help you move your leadership and business forward.

As leaders, I am sure that you go into every day with the best of intentions. But, do your good intentions always turn into significant action?

I bet your mind is turning right now, and if you’re honest with yourself you may not enjoy the answer. So, how do you turn your intentionality into actions that will have a real and lasting impact on your business and your team?

Robert Burns is quoted as saying, “The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry.”

While that can be true, I like to play on that some and say the best-laid actions of business owners go awry because they aren’t intentional.

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